Volunteer Recognition Program
Purpose: 1) To engage membership in helping with KDCTA events that require multiple volunteers in order to have a successful event. 2) To acknowledge those members who do volunteer with a gift from the KDCTA.
Who can do this?
Any adult or youth who is a current KDCTA member.
What can I do to earn volunteer hours?
Attend a membership meeting - 1 hour
Volunteer at a KDCTA horse show - 2, 4, 6, 8, 9+ hours
Volunteer for set up/tear down at a horse show or clinic - 2, 4 hours
Volunteer at a KDCTA Clinic - 2, 4, 6, 8 hours
Volunteer at KDCTA clean up days - 2, 4, 6 hours
Sponsors: Earn 5% of total of sponsorship
(Note: KDCTA officers may not count time spent doing officer duties)
How do I use my credits?
Each volunteer hour worked is worth a $1.00 credit. Volunteer award recipients will be contacted via email in November-December to select how they would like to use their credits or carry them over to the next year. The selections will be presented at the annual Jan. Membership Meeting.
Credits can be used for:
*Membership renewal: Deadline Nov 1st, Pay $24 then 36 volunteer credits towards early bird membership renewal. (select option on membership form).
* Entry fee costs for KDCTA shows & events
* Logo attire from MESolutions at https://www.mequestriansolutions.com/kdcta for $25, $50, $75
* A discounted KDCTA hat from MESolutions for $15 ($20 value)
* A gift card from a vendor of your choice
* A lesson or service from local equestrian
* Tax deductible donation back to KDCTA
How does it work?
Hours will be tallied per year. Volunteer hours earned during the current year can be redeemed at the end of the year or carried over until you choose to redeem them.
Hours will accumulate from year to year until 100 recorded volunteer hours are reached, then you must use the credits or lose them. *NOTE: Hours will continue to be tracked until the volunteer awards program is terminated or the club is dissolved.
Volunteer Perk: Lunch will be provided to Volunteers who work on horse show days.
How do I sign up to volunteer?
KDCTA Members will be sent an email with the link to sign up for duties at VolunteerSignUp.org.
There is no need to create an account. Once opening the link you will only need to click on which jobs you would like to do and include your name, email and phone number so the event organizer can contact you. A volunteer link can also be found on the website with the information about the show or event. Each Show or Event will have a separate link.
(NOTE: VolunteerSignUp.org pledges to not sell any personal contact info to third parties)
How do I track my hours?
VolunteerSignUp.org tracks how many hours you sign up for. At the end of the event, volunteers should check out with the organizer and agree on the actual hours worked. The KDCTA keeps a master form of all hours. You may also keep a log of your hours if you desire.
How do I know what my assigned job requires: There will be a short volunteer meeting prior to the start of the event. There may also be a training session when needed. If you have never done it before, a helper will get you started. If you have any questions, you can ask the event organizer.
What do I do once I get to the event?
Find the organizer to let them know you arrived. Also check out with the organizer before you leave the event. Agree with the organizer on the total hours volunteered for the day.
Volunteer at one of our shows!!!
If you are able to help out any time during the day, please stop by the office and we will find a job for you
Volunteers are the key to a great show. We always welcome any help for show set up (Friday evening prior to the show) AND tear down directly after the last ride.
Check out the info below and sign up at volunteersignup.org/9F7CK
contact kdcta11@gmail.com for more information.
Volunteers for Show Day- FRIDAY after 4pm
1. Set up 2 dressage rings – Need 6-8 volunteers
Duties: need at least 3 volunteers per ring (if happening at the same time) PVC ring in the Indoor and Chain ring in the Covered Pen. Chain ring standards need filled with water, so an extra pick up truck would be helpful.
2. Main Stall Manager – Need 1 volunteer
Duties: Label the stalls according to the stall chart. Put requested number of shavings in the correct stalls.
Volunteers for Show Day- SATURDAY
1. Registration – Need 1 volunteers *(1 volunteer is a floater)
Duties: to take questions while Stephanie is out of the office. There will specific time frames.
2. Stall Manager – Need 2 volunteers *(1 volunteer is a floater)
Duties: Main Stall Manager. Will be directing trailers where to park and where their stalls are. Take a walk thru the barns to verify stall usage.
3. Scribes – Need 2 to 4 volunteers
Duties: write down scores and verbatim comments the judge says are during each test. 1 person can scribe all day for one judge-sign up for the appropriate spots to equal 2 people.
4. Gate Person – Need 2-4 volunteers *(1-2 volunteer can be a floater)
Duties: Will have a clipboard and ride time list. Make sure riders are at the gate ready to go in the ring for their test. Could include checking at the warm up ring. Need one volunteer for each ring.
5. Scoring – Need 2-3 volunteers
Duties: enter numbers from dressage test into an excel sheet which calculates everything, write the score and percentage on the test sheet, also record the score and percentage into a second excel sheet. WE tests will be scored using the Gira system.
6. Food coordinator: Need 1 volunteer
Duties: Set up pavilion for paid dinner. Use of KDCTA party ware, will need to pick up main course in the afternoon and bring to the show grounds, may need to pick up some additional items. Will work with KDC show manager for more details.
7. Tear down Dressage Rings – Need 4-8 volunteers
Duties: Disassemble rings and store in the KDC trailer. After last ride of the day per ring.
8. Obstacle course set up: 4-6 volunteers
Duties: assist in setting up the obstacles for the rest of the WE show on Sunday in the Indoor arena. Should take about an hour to hour and a half.
Volunteers for Show Day- SUNDAY
1. Registration – Need 1 volunteer *(1 volunteer is a floater)
Duties: to take questions while Stephanie is out of the office or scoring.
2. Announcer – Need 1-2 volunteers *(1 volunteer is a floater)
Duties: To announce each horse and rider when it is their ride time, to announce breaks and course walks.
3. Scribe – Need 1-2 volunteers
Duties: write down scores and verbatim comments the judge says are during each test.
4. Scorers = Need 2 volunteers
Duties: enter scores into the GIRA system, be able to switch to hard copy recording if there are internet issues. Print and Make copies of results.
5. Tear down obstacles – Need 4-8 volunteers
Duties: tear down obstacle course and load into KDC trailer.